10 Easy Steps To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Writer By Hoock

Although everyone knows that power is expensive, some are surprised when they get their monthly electric bills. According to BLS forecasts, the average American household will spend $1,831 on transportation in 2020. 1 Reduce your energy use to the maximum that you can to save money

Some people may be taken aback by their monthly electric bills even though everyone knows that electricity isn't cheap. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projections for 2020 show that the typical family will spend $1,831 per year on transportation. 1 To the extent that you can reduce your energy use and save money, you should do so.

Set Your Thermostat

Raising the thermostat in the summer and lowering it in the winter are two easy strategies to save money on heating and cooling costs. The Department of Energy suggests lowering your thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 hours a day to maintain a comfortable home environment while reducing your energy bill and lessening the strain on the power system.

If you have a programmed thermostat, you may adjust the temperature settings when you know you won't be home. A smaller temperature differential between the exterior and interior of your home means less energy is lost through the walls. You may change the settings on your thermostat by hand if you don't have a programmable one.

Ceiling Fans

Make good use of your ceiling fans by turning them on and keeping them spinning. Energy Star, a voluntary labeling program supported by the DOE and the EPA, recommends turning ceiling fans counter-clockwise in the summer to help remove hot air from the room. During the colder months, you may switch the direction of the fans so that the warm air is forced downward.

Appliances with Energy Stars

Appliances, including washing machines, dryers, fridges, freezers, dishwashers, dehumidifiers, central air conditioners, desktop and laptop computers, and more, may all be considered energy savers thanks to the Energy Star program.

When looking for new appliances, the Energy Star certification guarantees that the products you buy will help you save money in the long run. Yet, just because certain products consume less energy doesn't mean you should buy more.

Home Electronics

A limited amount of electricity is still used by stereos, DVD players, TVs, kitchen appliances, and other plugged-in devices, even when switched off. Turn them off entirely by plugging them into the surge protector or unplugging them until needed.

Light Bulbs That Save Energy

Reducing energy consumption is as simple as switching from incandescent to compact fluorescent light bulbs. The Department of Energy estimates that a typical family may save $225 annually by switching to LED lights. Remember to switch off the lights when you leave a room, no matter what bulbs you use. Installing timers that turn off the lights after a certain time is a good idea for laundry rooms, garages, basements, and other seldom-used places in case you need to remember to turn them off manually.

Reduce Water Use

Water-saving shower heads, sink faucets, and commodes may all be purchased. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth or washing the dishes, and replace any dripping faucets or toilets. We're not just talking about money here; every drop of water you conserve helps to preserve this precious resource.

Cover And Keep Warm

When your home is effectively insulated, you save money on heating and cooling. It would help if you looked up there first. You shouldn't be able to make out the floor joists, even in an unfinished attic. Insulate more if you can see the studs. You should also caulk and weatherstrip any openings in the outside walls, including those around windows and doors and where pipes enter the home. Protect your boiler and any exposed pipes by wrapping them with insulation.

Change Your Filters Or Get Rid Of Them

Maintain your furnace by keeping the filter clean. Most furnace producers suggest doing this once every three months, if not more frequently, for optimal performance. Furthermore, after using the dryer, be sure to remove the lint filter and discard it. Even a minimal quantity of lint diminishes energy efficiency.

Shut The Doors and More

Do not squander time or effort. Quickly lock the doors of the fridge and the home. Always close the damper while the fireplace is not in use. Put up the drapes or blinds to hide the outside world at night. The cumulative effect of these seemingly little measures is to reduce heat loss and hence energy consumption.

Make Use Of Your Surroundings

Placing trees in key areas can assist in cutting down on energy expenditures for heating and cooling a home. Trees offer welcome relief from the warm sun. Trees provide a windbreak during the cold winter months.

The Department of Energy estimates that by strategically placing big deciduous trees, cooling expenses can be cut by up to 25%. To get the most out of these trees' ability to provide shade for your driveway or patio, you should situate them on the south or west side of your property.

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