Discovering Social Security Benefits And The Incomes That Reduce Them
Writer By Dick

Every individual set to retire is also set to get social security benefits. But he needs to learn that the benefits he is waiting to receive might decrease due to income source and other factors. In the article, you will learn the basics of social security benefits and the income that counts against them

Social security acts as an essential part of the retirement plan of individuals. The program benefits a lot to individuals who are either survivor, are getting retirement, or have some kind of disability. In the US, social security benefits are a condemning source of income for millions of individuals. Yet, many individuals have yet to learn that these benefits can get lower by a certain type of income.

This can prove to be a drastic blow for the people who completely rely on social security benefits and consider it as their primary income source. Therefore, they must comprehend what type of income can reduce their benefits of social security so that they can plan accordingly for their future.

In this writing, you will learn about social security benefits and the type of income that counts against social security. Whether you are already collecting the benefits or are near your retirement, the information will help you avail yourself of the benefits. So, without wasting time, let's move further and take a look at it.

What Does Social Security Benefits Mean?

Social Security Benefits, also known as OASDI, i.e., Old Age, Survivors, and Disability insurance, is an extensive federal benefits program in the US. The program benefits retired and disabled people and survivors by equipping them with partial payment under certain terms and conditions.

How Does It Work?

The program is a government program in which the government collects taxes from working Americans. Later, they distribute them to qualified retired and disabled persons or to their families. They do so to keep them financially stable. Typically, a worker must earn 40 credits for the social security benefit.

Although, they can also avail of it with fewer credits if they die or have some disability at a young age. You can draw in up to four credits per year. One credit is defined as $1,510 in 2022 in earned income and the rise to $1,640 in 2023. If you have earned enough credits, you can claim social security benefits depending on your work record.

Depending on your ex or present spouse's work record, you can also claim spousal benefits. Also, in certain possibilities, the dependent children and their family members can avail of the family benefits. Once you are all set to apply for social security benefits, you can apply through an application form.

You can either fill out the form online mode, or you can also visit the office of the Social Security Administration and fill it out there. Once you complete the form, a government official will verify your form. Later, you will start receiving monthly checks from them.

Acquiring Social Security Benefits While Earning?

If an individual receiving social security benefits is also generating his income by working, then the benefit he gets will be lower. It only affects the people who start taking the advantage of the benefits before attaining their full retirement age. The effect of reduced benefits only applies to the income generated by working.

If you earn money by dividends, capital gains, or interests from the investments, then there will be no effect on it. Opting for the social security benefit does not mean you can not earn an extra income from other sources like investments.

When you take advantage of social security benefits before attaining your full retirement age, the benefits are reduced by a certain amount. For example:

What Income Counts Against Social Security?

It is optional that every income that you generate counts against social security. Only the income that you generate through employment gets counted against it. Several examples of income that is against social security include:-

Net income generated from self-employment, bonuses, vacation pay, commissions, wages and salary that an employer pays, etc.

Several sources of income are exclusive, i.e., they do not affect social security benefits. The sources of income include:-

Inheritances, dividends, pensions, interests, capital gains, military retirement benefits, lawsuit settlement, government retirement benefits, annuities, rental income, etc.

If you are an underage beneficiary of social security benefits, your earning is more than the cap amount. And if there is a decrease in your benefit amount, then you do not need to take any headache from it. You do not lose your money anywhere, rather it will come back to you when you attain your full retirement age.

Social security will recalculate your benefit amount when you attain your FRA, i.e., full retirement age. And the new benefit will be more to complete the payments concealed due to your excess earnings against the cap.


How Does social security calculate your income?

Social security calculates your income based on the average indexed monthly earnings. It outlines up to 35 years of individual indexed earnings. Considering a formula on the average amount, they compute your PIA, i.e., the primary insurance amount. And the PIA serves as the basis for an individual's benefit amount.

What disqualifies you from social security?

Any individual who has not reported his income and has escaped from paying taxes throughout his lifetime is not eligible for social security benefits. It means that social security will not provide him with any benefits and will disqualify him.

Can I collect social security benefits and live abroad?

If you are a US citizen and eligible for social security benefits, you can avail of it even if you live abroad. You can avail of the benefit as long as you are eligible.


You will wish to live your retirement life comfortably when you have worked painstakingly. You must be waiting for your retirement life and availing of the social security benefits. But before doing so, it is necessary to apprehend how you can get the most of the benefits. The benefits you get depend on your lifetime's 35 earning years and other factors.

So, you must understand the factors that can reduce your social security benefits. Also, the income counts against them. The article outlines all those factors. Once you completely comprehend all this, you can live the rest of your life affluently and comfortably.

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